Time and Tide: The Work of Stephen Brookbank
Gallery 2
Stephen Brookbank (1968-2024) was an influential presence in the NSCAD University photography department, where he worked as a photo technician and mentored generations of students. In commemoration of his life, his contributions to the culture of the department and the growth of his students, and his success and accomplishments as a visual artist, and storyteller, the students of the photography department, with the collaboration of Stephen’s family, are showing some of Stephen’s most recent work. Time and Tide shares some of Stephen’s most recent work. It offers us a moment to reflect on the inexorable passing of time and the impressions left on those of us who are left in the wake of the loss of our mentor, friend, and teacher.
Opening receptions: Lila Gorey-McSorley; Time and Tide/Ripples: Stephen Brookbank’s Legacy; Love, Lived and Lost
Please join us at opening receptions for Lila Gorey McSorley; Time and Tide: The Work of Stephen Brookbank; Ripples: What We Learned from Stephen B
Good Grief Coffee Hour
On Thursday, join us for a "Good Grief Coffee Hour", coordinated by organizers of the exhibitions in tribute to Stephen Brookbank.