Weigh In
Maria Rosati
Gallery 1
Undergraduate exhibitor
Rosati offers: “With these 40 prints, I am asking, ‘"Who can I blame?’" for the feelings I hold towards my body. With every layer and subsequent print, I am looking for an answer - looking to point the finger at someone or something for making my fatness worthy of hatred. But it's not just Fat Amy or The Biggest Loser. It's not listening to my mother hate her body or never having the option to wear her wedding dress. It's not one isolated moment; it's all these things at once - piled, layered, and entangled into who I have become.”
Opening reception: Maria Rosati, Madison Nelmark, Nat:Shaw and Benjamyn Garreth
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions by Maria Roasti, Madison Nelmark, Nat:Shaw and Benjamyn Garreth. Everyone is welcome!
Artist Talk: Maria Rosati
Maria Rosati will discuss her exhibition at 11am in Gallery 1. Everyone is welcome!