From My Roots
Maia Espejo Cochrane
Gallery 2A
Undergraduate exhibitor
This exhibition explores the traditional native plants of Southern Mexico and Belize through sculpted and thrown ceramic vessels. Espejo Cochrane seeks to connect with her ancestors and their cultural practices of cultivating the earth by creating works of creeping vines and sprouting blossoms. Rooted in research, and family history, Espejo Cochrane hopes to convey honor, spirituality, and respect for the land through this body of work.
Opening reception: "the barnyard" group show curated by Emily Flinn & Maya Keleris, Maia Espejo Cochrane, Jody Bender, Ada Denil
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions the barnyard curated by Emily Flinn & Maya Keleris, Maia Espejo Cochrane, Jody Bender