Trying & Seeing
Jody Bender
Gallery 2B
Undergraduate exhibitor
The exhibition consists of various ceramic objects which exist in the realm of functional ware and are idiosyncratic in their forms and surfaces. These works come out of a period of exploration for the artist, as she tries to find her own balance between control and spontaneity, as well as excess and simplicity. Through this process, the artist is also learning to accept the freedom of being unsure. She gives herself space to try and see, as a way of conducting research into her own inclinations.
Opening reception: "the barnyard" group show curated by Emily Flinn & Maya Keleris, Maia Espejo Cochrane, Jody Bender, Ada Denil
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions the barnyard curated by Emily Flinn & Maya Keleris, Maia Espejo Cochrane, Jody Bender