Foggy Island View
Group exhibition curated by Jazz Keillor & Colleen MacIsaac
Gallery 2
Group exhibition
Foggy Island View brings together a group of artists who participated in the Ironbound Creative Residency in the summers of 2021 and 2022. Together the works explore shared experiences across time, united by the specific experience of being on West Ironbound Island, off the south shore of Mi’kma’ki. Featuring painting, drawing, textiles, sculpture, movement, video, music and writing, this show allows separate experiences to become common remembrances, and provides the opportunity to share, with a wider public, memories from our time spent on this rocky and rusty island populated only by sheep and a few stray deer.
Including work by; Jane Alexander | Marla Benton | Helene Blanchet | Susanne Chui | Sharon Cranston | Justina Dollard | Erin Donovan | Hannah Genosko | Sherry Hudson | Basma Kavanagh | Jazz Keillor | Marc Langlois | Colleen MacIsaac | Nick Matuchet | Wendy Muise | Craig Rubadoux | Bev Shaw | Tricia Snell | Laurie Swim | Allison Tremain | Kate Wright
Opening reception: Jillian Kimbell, "Foggy Island View" group exhibition curated by Jazz Keillor & Colleen MacIsaac, Melanie Barnett & Lachlan Sheldrick
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions by Jillian Kimbell, Foggy Island View group exhibition curated by Jazz Keillor &