Gracia Isabel Gómez Cantoya
Gallery 2
MFA thesis exhibition
(COR) materializes a multidimensional realm exploring ways individuals interconnect beyond physicality. Using cardiac cells-like ceramic tiles, and porcelain structures mimicking membranes, this installation evokes an interconnected field symbolized by the human heart.
COR -Latin root of the words core, and corazón (heart, in Spanish), is an immersive experience that centers the viewers in the core of the body, encouraging them to reflect in their own humanity. The gallery space becomes a destination where divisive categories like gender, race, class, or skin-colour, are meaningless; and concepts like culture or geography transform into a shared consciousness and a collective embodiment.
TALK: Gracia Isabel Gómez Cantoya
Graduate exhibitor Gracia Isabel Gómez Cantoya will discuss her exhibition in Gallery 2 at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome!