Ink Stained: Experiments Towards Decolonizing Print
Emily Davidson, MFA Thesis
Gallery 1
Graduate exhibitor
Ink Stained brings together new works by Emily Davidson interrogating her relationship as a white queer woman settler—and printmaker—to colonization. The exhibition takes aim at settler narratives of the printing press as a symbol of egalitarian progress and democracy. Instead, print media is exposed as integral to historic and ongoing colonization of Indigenous lands across Turtle Island. Together these works propose experimental methods through which settlers can trouble the colonial archive, activate critical self-reflection, and redirect the medium of print to participate in decolonization.
Opening reception: Emily Davidson, Meichan Yuan, Samantha Holyk, Becca Devenish
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions by Emily Davidson, Meichan Yuan, Samantha Holyk, Becca Devenish.