Stop, Pivot, Romp: Tactics for Art Making
Becca Devenish
Gallery 3
Undergraduate exhibitor
Stop, Pivot, Romp: Tactics for Art Making, features wheel-thrown forms and hand-built clay pieces. Assembled like toy construction blocks these pieces explore shape, colour, by creating 3-dimensional forms based on abstract drawings that change the function and meaning of the individual components.
Devenish’s work speaks of movement. It resembles spiritual, intellectual, emotional movement and growth and how physical movement can symbolize the internal movement of one's heart expansion. The way the pieces will be constructed, using space, her body, many distinct aspects of building and how things are lopsided, tilted, and off-kilter will demonstrate these thoughts about internal growth and change.
Opening reception: Emily Davidson, Meichan Yuan, Samantha Holyk, Becca Devenish
Join us for the opening reception of exhibitions by Emily Davidson, Meichan Yuan, Samantha Holyk, Becca Devenish.
TALK: Samantha Holyk & Becca Devenish
Samantha Holyk and Becca Devenish will be in the gallery to discuss their work for 45 minutes each. All are welcome!